Bank And Mortgage Fraud
Many factors, including the prior downturn of the economy, have led to increased charges in bank and mortgage fraud against loan processors, appraisers and lending institutions. Although some charges were well-founded, in other cases, the lower-level bankers and professionals in related industries who were charged with these crimes did not intentionally participate in criminal activity. For a person with no previous criminal record, the process can be incredibly overwhelming and frightening.
At Jayne Law Group, P.C., our skilled fraud defense attorneys have experience handling these complex cases and the large volumes of information involved, with excellent results and satisfied clients. For a free consultation, please call 415-623-3600.
Providing Experienced Defense Against State And Federal Charges
We represent employees in the banking and financial, real estate and construction industries, as well as homeowners and loan officers, who have been charged with fraud for providing false or inaccurate information in support of loan applications. We also defend against related white collar crime charges such as wire, mail and check fraud, forgery, illegal underwriting and falsifying loan documents.
Our experienced and sophisticated lawyers will build a strategic defense against these charges by demonstrating:
- The borrower, banking employee or related industry professional charged with fraud did not intend to defraud the lending institution.
- He or she did not have knowledge of any misleading or false information provided in the supporting documents.
In the case of banking employees and industry professionals, it may be possible to show they were acting on supervisors’ direct orders.
With the help of relevant experts such as financial experts, forensic accountants and CPAs, we may also be able to show that the allegedly false information was not “material,” meaning that the information did not have the ability to influence the lending institution in its decision.
Put A Strong Legal Advocate On Your Side
To discuss your case with an experienced fraud defense lawyer, please call 415-623-3600 or contact us online.