Small-Business Services And Compliance

At Jayne Law Group, P.C., we believe it is important in today’s complex and increasingly regulated business environment that companies take steps to ensure that all of their employees and staff are acting in a lawful manner and avoiding any appearance of impropriety. Implementing a compliance program can be the most effective way for a business to ward off and defend any future allegations of impropriety.

If you have questions regarding any compliance issues or how to establish your own compliance program, contact our San Francisco law firm online or call us at 415-623-3600.

Helping With Business Compliance And Internal Investigations

Jayne Law Group, P.C., advises small and medium-sized businesses on developing internal programs to educate their owners, officers, managers and employees in all aspects of compliance. We also assist our clients in conducting internal investigations, when necessary, and defend them in the event of a government investigation, criminal prosecution or civil enforcement action. Our areas of expertise in compliance matters include:

  • Environmental regulations
  • Securities fraud and trading
  • Tax matters
  • Compliance with local ordinances and injunctions
  • Immigration laws
  • Copyright and trademark infringement
  • Theft of trade secrets
  • Money laundering
  • Insurance, health care and mortgage fraud

A compliance program — whether it’s compliance with insider trading laws, immigration laws or environmental regulations — can prevent both government prosecution and private lawsuits against a company. A well-developed internal policy will also serve to guide and inform management and staff on how to deal with situations before they become costly mistakes.

Contact Us Today For Corporate Compliance Guidance

At Jayne Law Group, P.C., we can assist your business in maintaining compliance with various regulatory requirements. There are steps a small business can take to make sure that its employees are in compliance, are aware of the regulations for their particular industry, and to ensure that no wrongdoing occurs. We assist employers with developing educational materials and compliance programs for their employees. Contact us for assistance with your business compliance.